
Please notice that sbRandTrigen needs and calls sbRandTriang.

sbRandTrigen sbRandTrigen


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Appendix – sbRandTrigen Code

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Option Explicit

Function sbRandTrigen(dBottom As Double, dMode As Double, _
    dTop As Double, dBottomPerc As Double, _
    dTopPerc As Double, Optional dRandom = 1#) As Double
'Generates dMin random number, Triang distributed
'with given first and last decile
'[see Vose: Risk Analysis, 2nd ed., p. 129]
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sbrandgeneral_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sbrandgeneral_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 19-Nov-2011 PB V0.32
'Similar to @RISK's (C) RiskTrigen function.
'sbRandTrigen(bottom, mode, top, bottom percentile, top percentile)
'specifies a triangular distribution with three points — one
'at the mode and two at the specified bottom and top percentiles.
'The bottom percentile and top percentile are values between
'0 and 100. Each percentile value gives the percentile of the
'total area under the triangle that is on the left side of the
'given point.
'sbRandTrigen(1,8,10,20,95) will call
'sbRandTriang(-6.13212712795534, 8, 11.8648937411641).
'Please ensure that you execute Randomize before you call 
'this function for the first time.

Static dBottomLast As Double
Static dModeLast As Double
Static dTopLast As Double
Static dBottomPercLast As Double
Static dTopPercLast As Double
Static dMin As Double
Static dMax As Double
Dim dMaxNew As Double
Dim da0 As Double, da1 As Double, da2 As Double
Dim da3 As Double, da4 As Double
Dim dfe As Double, df1e As Double
Dim dBottomPerc2 As Double, dTopPerc2 As Double
Dim i As Long

If dBottom = dBottomLast And dMode = dModeLast And dTop = dTopLast _
   And dBottomPerc = dBottomPercLast And dTopPerc = dTopPercLast _
   And Not IsError(dMin) Then
    sbRandTrigen = sbRandTriang(dMin, dMode, dMax, dRandom)
    Exit Function
End If

dBottomLast = dBottom
dModeLast = dMode
dTopLast = dTop
dBottomPercLast = dBottomPerc
dTopPercLast = dTopPerc

dBottomPerc2 = dBottomPerc / 100#
dTopPerc2 = 1# - dTopPerc / 100#
If dMode <= dBottom Or dTop <= dMode Then
    dMin = CVErr(xlErrValue) 'Trigger rerun next time
    sbRandTrigen = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
End If
If dBottomPerc2 < 0# Or dTopPerc2 < 0# Then
    dMin = CVErr(xlErrDiv0) 'Trigger rerun next time
    sbRandTrigen = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
End If

If dTopPerc2 = 0# Then
    If dBottomPerc2 = 0# Then
        sbRandTrigen = sbRandTriang(dBottom, dMode, dTop, dRandom)
        Exit Function
    End If
    sbRandTrigen = sbRandTrigen(dBottom, dMode, dTop, dBottomPerc2, dTopPerc2)
    Exit Function
End If

da4 = dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 - dBottomPerc2 + 1# - 2# * dTopPerc2 + dTopPerc2 ^ 2#
da3 = -2# * dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dTop - 2# * dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dMode - _
      4# * dTop + 4# * dBottomPerc2 * dTop + 2# * dTopPerc2 * dMode + 4# * dTopPerc2 * _
      dTop + 2# * dTopPerc2 * dBottom - 2# * dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dMode - _
      2# * dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom
da2 = dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dTop ^ 2# + 4# * dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dMode * _
      dTop + dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dMode ^ 2# - 6# * dBottomPerc2 * dTop ^ 2# + _
      6# * dTop ^ 2# - 4# * dTopPerc2 * dMode * dTop - 2# * dTopPerc2 * dTop ^ 2# - 2# * _
      dTopPerc2 * dBottom * dMode - 4# * dTopPerc2 * dBottom * dTop + dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * _
      dMode ^ 2# + 4# * dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom * dMode + dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom ^ 2#
da1 = -2# * dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dMode * dTop ^ 2# - 2# * dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * _
      dMode ^ 2# * dTop + 4# * dTop ^ 3# * dBottomPerc2 - 4# * dTop ^ 3# + 2# * dTopPerc2 * _
      dMode * dTop ^ 2# + 4# * dTopPerc2 * dBottom * dMode * dTop + 2# * dTopPerc2 * _
      dBottom * dTop ^ 2# - 2# * dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom * dMode ^ 2# - 2# * _
      dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom ^ 2# * dMode
da0 = dBottomPerc2 * dTopPerc2 * dMode ^ 2# * dTop ^ 2# - dBottomPerc2 * dTop ^ 4# + dTop ^ 4# - _
      2# * dTopPerc2 * dBottom * dMode * dTop ^ 2# + dTopPerc2 ^ 2# * dBottom ^ 2# * dMode ^ 2#
dMax = dTop + (dTop - dMode) / (1# - dTopPerc2) ^ 2#

'Newton iteration
Do While Abs(dMaxNew - dMax) > 0.000000000001

    i = i + 1
    If i > 30 Then
        If Abs(dfe) > 0.000000000001 Then
            dMin = CVErr(xlErrDiv0) 'Trigger rerun next time
            sbRandTrigen = CVErr(xlErrValue)
            Exit Function
            Exit Do
        End If
    End If
    dMaxNew = dMax
    dfe = da4 * dMaxNew ^ 4# + da3 * dMaxNew ^ 3# + da2 * dMaxNew ^ 2# + da1 * dMaxNew + da0
    df1e = 4# * da4 * dMaxNew ^ 3# + 3# * da3# * dMaxNew ^ 2# + 2# * da2 * dMaxNew + da1
    dMax = dMax - dfe / df1e


dMin = dMax - (dMax - dTop) ^ 2# / dTopPerc2 / (dMax - dMode)
sbRandTrigen = sbRandTriang(dMin, dMode, dMax, dRandom)
End Function


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sbRandTrigen.xlsm [59 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]