Sulprobil Blog

My blog in German:

  1. sbRandGeneral (VBA)

    Generate 'General' distributed random numbers

  2. sbExactRandHistogrm (VBA)

    Create an exact histogram distribution of type double

  3. Fix Sum from Random Corridors (Excel)

    Make Random Numbers with Different Border Values add up to a Specified Sum

  4. sbRandTriang (VBA)

    Generate triangular distributed random numbers

  5. sbRandTrigen (VBA)

    Generate triangular distributed random numbers

  6. sbGenerateTeams (VBA)

    Monte Carlo Simulation to Generate a Fair Team Distribution

  7. sbRandCumulative (VBA)

    Generate 'Cumulative' distributed random numbers

  8. Random Numbers with Equidistant Weights (VBA)

    Generate Random Numbers with Equidistant Weights

  9. Random Numbers with Defined Widths and Weights (VBA)

    Generate Random Numbers with Defined Widths and Weights

  10. sbGrowthSeries (VBA)

    Generate random data with a compound growth rate - a special Brownian Bridge