Sulprobil Blog

My blog in German:

  1. RoundToSum (VBA)

    Rounding values preserving their rounded sum

  2. Allocation of Overheads (Excel / VBA)

    Distribute Overhead Costs to Products

  3. RoundToSum vs Other Methods (Excel / VBA)

    Compare different Methods of Rounding values preserving their rounded sum

  4. sbExactRandHistogrm (VBA)

    Create an exact histogram distribution of type double

  5. Distribute a Sample normally (VBA)

    A sample should be normal distributed after withdrawals

  6. Take Vacation when less is going on (Excel / VBA)

    Take Vacation when Sales are lower

  7. Distribution due to remaining Positions (Excel / VBA)

    Distribute deleted values onto remaining ones

  8. Assign Work Units Reduced by Delivered (Excel / VBA)

    Assign Work Units, Taking into Account Delivered Units

  9. sbFairStaffSelection (VBA)

    Fair Staff Selection for Special Tasks Based on Team Sizes